CAHL Shows Up Strong at ACHE Annual Congress
CAHL again had a strong presence at the ACHE 2023 Congress on Healthcare Leadership March 23-25th in Chicago. This year’s initiative was to charter a bolder and brighter future for healthcare. Over 5,000 healthcare professionals attended this year’s event. Themes noted by attendees in presentations and individual discussions this year included: The time of transition our people and our organizations …
ACHE Honors CAHL Leaders
Special recognition was awarded to CAHL members at this year’s ACHE Congress on Healthcare Leadership. Baljeet S. Sangha, FACHE, was honored with the prestigious Robert S. Hudgens Memorial Award. CAHL President Kelly Flannery, MHA, FACHE, was honored with the VA Regent Award for Regent Advisory Council Excellence.
Learning to Thrive “In the Gray”: Considerations for Rotation Program Participants
Several years into her professional career, CAHL Secretary Navi Atwal reached a point of inflection that meant she would have to choose one career path or another in order to advance in either of two very different worlds.
Spring 2023 Committee Updates
CAHL's Clinical Leadership, JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, HEN (Higher Education Network) and Mentorship have all had a busy quarter, with exciting networking and education events upcoming. Read on for near-term initiatives related to the JEDI Toolkit, HEN College Bowl and more.
Leading Respiratory Therapists
During a Global Pandemic
By Corina B. Clark, Co-Chair CAHL Coastal California LPC March 18th, 2020, was my first day as a leader in my new role. After years of being in management at UCLA Health, I decided to transition to a smaller community hospital closer to my family in Northern California. Little did I know, I was walking into a role that an …
Understanding and Practicing Our Core Key Values and Beliefs
By Michael O’Connell, MHA, FACMPE, FACHE, CAHL Immediate Past President Every person has a set of core values and beliefs that he/she follows each day. Like any key value, they are something for which we must aspire to and they take time, effort, and energy to achieve. It is important to reflect on our core values and beliefs and what …
Did you switch jobs? Get promoted? Tell ACHE!
You could be featured in the "On the Move" section of Healthcare Executive magazine. Just email both your former and new job titles, organizations, locations and a high-resolution headshot to [email protected].
Events THIS MONTH & Save the Dates
Meet new colleagues and build your career and your network. Click each image for more details
Join us April 19 for a FREE Virtual Session from Platinum CAHL Sponsor IPM:
"Healthcare Strategy Implementation: Why it’s difficult and what you can do"
This session will provide insights into:
- 3 areas making execution so hard
- What we can most control to improve our ability to execute
- How other industries are faring compared to healthcare
- What we need to accelerate if we are to implement transformational strategies
This week! Virtual networking Wednesday
April 27 | Learning from Leaders (In Person)
Warm welcome to new CAHL members
Kristopher Cabreira, CPXP
Tameika K. Dabney, MHA, LPN