CAHL Volunteer Commitment

Get involved by volunteering for a CAHL committee or event.

* = Required Fields

  • If more than one, please separate with comma(s).
  • Who can we thank for referring you to CAHL?
  • Volunteer Committees

    Under Areas of Interest below, please select the committee(s) whose volunteer opportunities interest you and/or match your skills. We recommend you learn about the committees before making your selection(s).
  • Areas of Interest

    Please rank the committee(s) whose volunteer opportunities interest you and/or match your skills.
  • What interest/reason is your primary motivation to volunteer for CAHL? And do you have any other committee preferences beyond those listed above?
  • What is the best way to contact you? (select all that apply)
  • Suggestions/Recommendations For Other Volunteers

  • Please use the + icon to add multiple recommendations.
    Full NameEmailPhone 
  • Thank you!

    Each volunteer is greatly appreciated and is critical in making CAHL successful and valuable to its members. We thank you for taking this commitment with us and hope to provide you with a rich and rewarding experience. Let's make this a fabulous year together!

    If you have any questions or for any reason are unable to fulfill your commitment, please contact the Chair of the Volunteer Recognition & Member Outreach Committee at

    Next Steps: This completed form will be sent to the Volunteer Recognition & Member Outreach Committee Chair(s). They will contact you with further information about the Committee you indicated interest in and where you could be of help. Thank you!