“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”
-Simon Sinek
I am honored to offer this message written to complement this issue of the newsletter of our local ACHE chapter, the California Association of Healthcare Leaders (CAHL). But first, welcome to all our new members, and congratulations to those who have recently advanced to Fellow.
Leadership is a core competency in healthcare management; its importance cannot be overstated. The Global Consortium for Healthcare Management Professionalization defines leadership as “the ability to inspire individual and organizational excellence, create a shared vision, and successfully manage change to attain an organization’s strategic ends and successful performance.” As leaders, we must clearly communicate our organization’s mission, objectives, and priorities to internal and external stakeholders. A strong leader should help create a culture built on mutual trust, respect, transparency, and a focus on service improvement that encourages teamwork, inclusion, and diversity.
In the ever-changing field in which we operate, stability in leadership is crucial. The manner in which a leader reacts to new demands and challenges has the potential to impact his or her entire organization. Positivity and self-awareness are important to influencing an organization’s emotional climate. A high emotional quotient (EQ) is vital to being a great leader, and leaders should continually work to build their EQ.
CAHL and ACHE offer many opportunities to enhance one’s leadership skills and learn new methods and theories through mentoring, networking, and educational offerings. The Leader-to-Leader program allows you to make a difference by supporting your colleagues, strengthening relationships, and promoting excellence in healthcare delivery. The Learning from Leaders Program provides career development conversations regarding leadership perspectives and career development. There are also many online leadership assessments and tools available through ACHE.
Learn more about ACHE, the Global Consortium for Healthcare Management Professionalization, and healthcare leadership competencies at:
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Regent and allowing me to comment on the importance of lifelong learning in this message to you. I look forward to seeing you at the next CAHL event. Please refer to the CAHL website for upcoming events!
Erick Berry, FACHE
Regent for California – Northern & Central