CAHL’s 13 board committees work cross-functionally with stakeholders to create and deliver valuable offerings and services that operationalize our mission and vision. In collaboration with ACHE, we are committed to delivering tools, thought-leadership, and services to help our members to develop and advance their careers and the healthcare management profession.
Committee Chairs sit on CAHL’s board, drive strategy and tactics across the committees, and lead our teams of volunteers.
We always welcome feedback, ideas, and additional volunteers, who earn points toward the ACHE Recognition Program. Reach out here to get involved.
Chair, Member Advancement: Michael Dacoco
Supports CAHL members in preparation for the Board of Governors’ exam (BOG) through a five-week FACHE webinar series in partnership with the sister ACHE chapter from San Diego (SOHL) offered bi-annually. Renowned guest speakers across California have shared their expertise relative to the exam topics to enhance the participation experience, as well as demonstrate the application of FACHE in their respective healthcare leadership roles. CAHL is proud to continue offering three scholarships per workshop series to members towards the BOG exam fee for professional development. Additionally, our committee provides supplemental materials, such as two preparation study bundles to participating members, for higher success and confidence to take the BOG exam.
The diversity in professions and locations also reflect how much the Advancement Committee supports ACHE members, as we strive to expand our networking – from New York to Saudi Arabia. 2023 will be an exciting year as the Advancement Committee continues to outreach and connect with chapter members statewide eligible to advance to FACHE while we diversify our collaboration with sister ACHE chapters.
Career Development & Transition
Chair: Christianna Kearns
Provides support, resources, and programs for members at all levels of their career – the early-careerist, mid-careerist, senior-level executive, and person-in-transition. In 2023, watch for career workshop programming and/or leadership panel events, with at least four networking opportunities, including at least one in-person event and one Qualified Educational event. The committee’s 2023 goals focus on publishing a career playbook that can be used as a guide for anyone looking to transition, and partnering with other committees to provide meaningful content for CAHL Members.
Chapter Programming
California Valley LPC Co-Chairs: McKenna Zoucha, Trina White
Coastal California LPC Co-Chairs: Corina Clark, Jennie Rowell
Two Local Programming Councils are each charged with organizing events in a broad range of locations where CAHL members live or work. Events include virtual and in person networking events, qualifying educational events and face to face events. LPC Chapter collaborates with and supports other committees within the organization to execute successful events in the Valley and Coastal region.
Clinical Leadership
Chair: Nwando Eze
This group of dedicated clinical leaders strive to provide value for CAHL members by creating opportunities for education, collaboration, professional growth, and networking. Our 2023 goals include to provide networking, qualified education and face to face sessions to optimize engagement of CAHL clinical leaders, collaborate with other committees such as JEDI and Higher education committees to engage and recruit diverse clinical leaders in training and early in their careers, to amplify our voice in Policy & Health Equity, Population Health, Innovation/ Technology and Healthcare Finance.
Chair: Liz DeForest
Supports CAHL’s goals through active communication to members, partners, sponsors and the board through our chapter website, newsletter, social media platforms, and event marketing. Our efforts will support CAHL’s efforts to catalyze, connect, and demonstrate trusted partnership. In 2023, we’ll be working with each Committee to develop content that showcases and shares CAHL member successes, as well as insights in pursuit of excellence in healthcare management.
Chair: Tiffany Johnson
Provides direction, review and control over the chapter’s financial status. In 2023, budget initiatives include allocation of funds to support the functions of all active committees, and we’ll be developing programming principles for expenses, fees, revenue, etc., as well as recommending updates to financial policies.
Higher Education Network
Co-Chairs: Jackeline Rosas, MHA; Ryan DeGive, MHA,FACHE, CPHIMS
The CAHL Higher Education Network (HEN) committee reaches out and connects with local graduate and undergraduate programs in health management to encourage student membership and involvement in the local chapter, as well as provides key resources to students navigating their career growth and development. In 2023, their efforts to provide professional development resources to students and encourage engagement will include overseeing student scholarship awards, student council chair election, promoting school participation in the College Bowl, and providing valuable events and programs for students including career connection opportunities, such as hosting an internship/fellowship program. Moreover, the CAHL HEN Committee maintains and updates the Student Resource Library in connection with CareerEdge.
Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Chair: Jeremy Hough
The JEDI Committee will support leaders and other committees and chapters in 2023 by facilitating networking events, conducting a face to face event, and building an engagement plan to support CAHL and ACHE priorities in furthering belonging and equity work. We will partner with our fellow leaders to ensure the JEDI work is available and accessible in support of our common goals.
Member & Volunteer Growth
Chairs: Sarah Khan, Shasta Addessi
Welcomes new members and provides resources to potential and current volunteers to ensure their volunteer experience is meaningful and impactful. The committee engages members through outreach focusing on membership growth and retention. In 2023, we plan to increase membership and retention by engaging our members and potential members through events, relationships with other professional organizations and personal connections. We will increase volunteer engagement through meaningful volunteer opportunities, highlighting their important work and celebrating them at the annual awards celebration.
Chair: Samanta Lal, MS
Committed to supporting the professional development of healthcare professionals and in advancing the CAHL mission of fostering lifelong learning and growth of our members through mentorship. As part of our 2023 strategic plan, we will offer several formal and informal program and event opportunities. One-time, informal mentoring opportunities consist of mentor/mentee connection for 1-2 hours. Our formal mentoring program is 3 months with 6 contact hours between the mentee/mentor pair. Matches are based on mentee/mentor interest and geographic location, whenever possible. Additionally, we will offer a virtual educational event to ACHE/CAHL membership at large which will include a 2-3 panelist discussion.
Military Outreach
Chair: Nathan Kellett
Supports CAHL veterans and active military across areas such as veteran mentors/mentees, transitioning to civilian roles, and career development. In 2023, they will be working to increase military and veteran involvement by hosting an annual Face-to-Face event specifically for military and veteran colleagues at the CAHL Congress, providing outreach to military and veteran groups to share the benefits of CAHL membership and fellowship, and developing a Military/Federal Sector CAHL Member Needs Survey to support future strategic planning.
Chair: Thu Nguyen
Responsible for developing and cultivating strong relationships with sponsors and partners by securing funds and in-kind donations in support of CAHL’s educational and networking events to advance healthcare leaders. In 2023, they aim to raise $20,000 in annual income via a new sponsor outreach strategy and a new sponsorship structure (event sponsorships). They will continue to create and cultivate strong relationships with our current and prospective sponsors and partners.
Strategic Outreach
Chair, Senior Executive Engagement: Rachael McKinney
In 2023, the Senior Executive Engagement committee will continue its focus on strengthening connections to our senior executive membership through virtual and in-person networking events. The committee will also serve as a resource to other committees who seek engagement from senior executives for mentoring, speaking and panels. New in 2023 will be our inaugural “Dinner with an Executive” event, directed towards our student membership.