Jeremy Hough, BA, AOS, MBA, HEM, has passed the Board of Governors exam to earn his FACHE, bringing another board-certified leader into the CAHL community. Jeremy is Director – Ancillary and Safety Services, John Muir Health, and chairs the CAHL Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
How do you see the FACHE credential helping you as a healthcare leader in the future?
In studying for the ACHE Board of Governors (BOG) exam, the comprehensive nature of the materials gave me deep and broad knowledge of the current state of healthcare, the structure of healthcare organizations, and specific examples of best practices and formal structures within leading (and award winning) organizations. The study materials gave me a tremendous amount of knowledge and perspective about our industry and were not just key for passing the exam but also will serve as knowledge templates for my future endeavors.
What advice do you have for members who are on the fence about pursuing the FACHE credential?
Just do it. When you have successfully been approved to sit for the BOG Exam, take the preparation course with CAHL to give you an idea of the type of test that it is, then study by reading the recommended material, and when you have completed your study program, take as many practice exams as you can to help you understand the complexity and duration of the exam.
Could you share a helpful insight or learning that you got from the BOG prep sessions that you wouldn’t have had without them?
The biggest insight for me was learning about how best to study for the exam and how much time and energy to dedicate to preparing.
What surprised you along the way as you were preparing for the BOG?
This may sound obvious – but the greatest surprise was how helpful and relevant the study materials were to helping me improve in my role and succeed in the future.
Share with us your most helpful study tip:
Leverage the study materials that are suggested by ACHE – the textbooks and flashcards. Then take the practice tests to understand that the exam itself is both a knowledge test and an endurance test.
How did CAHL and the BOG sessions help in your preparation?
CAHL and the BOG sessions set the stage for me to understand how to study for the exam. They provided insight into the type and duration of the exam. I likely would not have taken studying as seriously if I hadn’t taken the preparation course.